How do I minimize my data usage on Firestick

How to reduce Amazon Prime Usage when streaming

Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Firstly, Log in to your Amazon Prime Account on your mobile device. Click on the menu icon.
Step 2: Once inside the Amazon Prime Video menu items tab, look towards the bottom of the screen to where it says “Settings” and click there.
Step 3:  On the next screen you'll see a list of different settings to select from that'll assist you to save data. You'll need to first click on the menu item that says “Stream and Download”. Click this option than move to the next 4.
Step 4: Inside “Stream & Download” you'll find several useful data saving settings for Amazon Prime.  The first thing you have to do is go to the “Streaming Quality” option in the menu. 
Step 5: Inside this section of the app you'll see several streaming quality options. Choose the one that’s right for you, however for the maximum amount of data savings you'll need to choose “Data Saver”

Streaming quality settings are as follows:
  • Best: One hour uses about 6.84 GB of data (this option uses a lot of data)
  • Better: One hour uses about 1.82 GB of data
  • Good: One hour uses about 0.72 GB of data
  • Data Saver: One hour uses about 0.06 GB of data (select this option for the most data saving)
Step 6: When you're done with your streaming quality settings you'll want to go back one more step to the “Stream and Download Page”. If you really want to ensure you don’t accidentally stream data on your mobile network while at home, you can tick the “Download on Wi-Fi only” and “Stream on Wi-Fi only” buttons. You'll also want to activate the “Notify When Streaming on Mobile Data” button.
Step 7: Test your settings are working: After you've put on all three of the mentioned options on from step 6 and when you've checked that you're connected to Wi-Fi. Then you can try to play a video and it must show a message on your phone or tablet. If you see this message it means everything you activated in step 6 is working, you won’t be able to use your phone’s data to the stream.


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